
privacy and cookie policy

sinanzaat881 Apps’s Privacy Policy has been adopted to explain how we store and use the information collected about you online on our websites, during your use of our products (apps and games) and/or services and on mobile platforms. sinanzaat881 Apps (and its subsidiary companies) respects the privacy rights of Users and recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected. By accepting our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Support Team at: sinanzaat881@gmail.com 1. Introduction sinanzaat881 Apps and his owned or controlled subsidiaries and affiliates may be collectively referred to herein as “sinanzaat881 Apps”, “we”, or “our”, as the context requires. sinanzaat881 Apps is a developer and publisher of social, casual and sport games for the web and mobile devices. B